Professor Sandy Brauer

Researcher biography
Research to improve balance and gait in older adults and those with Neurological Disorders.
Impaired postural control, or poor balance, can have devastating effects on the lives of individuals, resulting in falls, dependence, and reduced quality of life. Prof Brauer leads a number of studies to better understand the underlying motor control mechanisms contributing to altered postural control, particularly in populations with neurological disorders or advanced age, and use this information to better develop physiotherapy assessment techniques and rehabilitation strategies. This research has subsequently developed to encompass prevention strategies and the investigation of the cost-effectiveness of intervention, to better facilitate the translation of research evidence into clinical practice.
Current research themes include:
Improving physical activity after stroke
Training dual tasking when walking in people with Parkinson's Disease.
Community mobility in older adults, particularly in people with Parkinson's Disease and stroke.
Retraining reaching following stroke, using the SMART Arm device.
The prevention of falls, particularly in hospitals.
Featured projects | Duration |
Personalised wearable robotics for restoration of walking function after stroke |