Professor Nicole Gillespie
Professor of Management
School of Business

Gillespie, Nicole, Fulmer, Ashley C. and Lewicki, Roy J. eds. (2021). Understanding trust in organizations: a multilevel perspective. New York, NY USA: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429449185
Theodoros, D., Hill, A., Hartley, N., Martin-Khan, M., Bird, D., Russell, T., Goodenough, B. and Gillespie, N. (2016). Innovation to implementation for telehealth (i2i4Telehealth). A practical guide for knowledge translation in telehealth. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland, Centre for Research Excellence in Telehealth.
Dietz, Graham and Gillespie, Nicole (2012). The recovery of trust: case studies of organisational failures and trust repair. London, United Kingdom: Institute of Business Ethics.
Dietz, Graham and Gillespie, Nicole (2011). Building and repairing organizational trust. London, U.K.: Institute of Business Ethics.
Saunders, Mark N. K., Skinner, Denise, Dietz, Graham, Gillespie, Nicole and Lewicki, Roy J. (2010). Organizational trust: A cultural perspective. Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511763106
Book Chapters
Fulmer, C. Ashley, Gillespie, Nicole, Ferrin, Donald L. and Denison, Emmy (2024). Culture and trust in organizational contexts. The Oxford handbook of cross-cultural organizational behavior. (pp. 321-343) edited by Michele J. Gelfand and Miriam Erez. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190085384.013.13
Lockey, Steve and Gillespie, Nicole (2024). Understanding trust in artificial intelligence: a research agenda. A research agenda for trust: interdisciplinary perspectives. (pp. 11-24) edited by Roger C. Mayer and Barbara M. Mayer. Cheltenham, Glos, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781802200942.00009
Curtis, Caitlin, Gillespie, Nicole and Okimoto, Tyler (2023). Establishing trust in science communication. Teaching science students to communicate: a practical guide. (pp. 39-47) edited by Susan Rowland and Louise Kuchel. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-91628-2_5
Gillespie, Nicole, Fulmer, C. Ashley and Lewicki, Roy (2021). A multilevel perspective on organizational trust. Understanding trust in organizations: a multilevel perspective. (pp. 3-13) New York, NY., United States of America: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780429449185
Gillespie, Nicole, Lockey, Steve, Hornsey, Matthew and Okimoto, Tyler (2021). Trust repair: a multilevel framework. Understanding trust in organizations: a multilevel perspective. (pp. 143-176) New York, NY., United States of America: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780429449185
Möllering, Guido, Gillespie, Nicole and Lewicki, Roy (2021). Multilevel trust: reflections, insights, and a future research agenda. Understanding trust in organizations: a multilevel perspective. (pp. 361-371) edited by Möllering, Guido, Gillespie, Nicole and Lewicki, Roy. New York, NY., United States of America: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9780429449185
Gillespie, Nicole and Siebert, Sabina (2018). Organizational trust repair. The Routledge companion to trust. (pp. 284-301) edited by Rosalind H. Searle, Ann-Marie Nienaber and Sim B. Sitkin. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315745572-20
Gillespie, Nicole (2015). Survey measures of trust in organizational contexts: An overview. Handbook of Research Methods on Trust. (pp. 225-239) edited by Fergus Lyon, Guido Mollering and Mark N.K. Saunders. Cheltenham U.K.: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9781782547419.00031
Gillespie, Nicole and Hurley, Robert (2013). Trust and the Global Financial Crisis. Handbook of Advances in Trust Research. (pp. 177-203) edited by Reinhard Bachmann and Akbar Zaheer. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9780857931382.00019
Gillespie, Nicole (2012). Measuring trust in organizational contexts: An overview of survey-based measures. Handbook of research methods on trust. (pp. 175-188) edited by Fergus Lyon, Guido Möllering and Mark N. K. Saunders. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. doi: 10.4337/9780857932013.00027
Gillespie, Nicole, Hurley, Robert, Dietz, Graham and Bachmann, Reinhard (2012). Restoring institutional trust after the global financial crisis: a systemic approach. Restoring trust in organizations and leaders: enduring challenges and emerging answers. (pp. 1-43) edited by Roderick M. Kramer and Todd L. Pittinsky. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199756087.003.0010
Dietz, Graham, Gillespie, Nicole and Chao, Georgia T. (2010). Unravelling the complexities of trust and culture. Organizational Trust: A cultural perspective. (pp. 3-41) edited by Mark N. K. Saunders, Denise Skinner, Graham Dietz, Nicole Gillespie and Roy J. Lewicki. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511763106.002
Ferrin, Donald L. and Gillespie, Nicole (2010). Trust differences across national-societal cultures: Much to do, or much ado about nothing?. Organizational Trust: A cultural perspective. (pp. 42-86) edited by Mark N. Saunders, Denise Skinner, Graham Dietz, Nicole Gillespie and Roy J. Lewicki. Cambridge, U.K. ; New York, U.S.A.: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511763106.003
Mann, Leon and Gillespie, Nicole (2005). Transformational leaders of project teams: Who are they and what difference do they make?. Leadership, management and innovation in R&D project teams. (pp. 71-92) edited by Leon Mann. Westport, CT, U.S.A.: Praeger.
Gillespie, Nicole and Mann, Leon (2005). How trustworthy is your leader? Implications for leadership, team processes and outcomes in R&D teams. Leadership, management and innovation in R&D project teams. (pp. 93-122) edited by Leon Mann. Westport, CT, U.S.A.: Praeger.
Journal Articles
Tomlinson, Edward C., Hamm, Joseph A., van der Werff, Lisa, Syed, Ben, Blomqvist, Kirsimarja, Osuna, Amanda Isabel and Gillespie, Nicole (2024). Towards a captivating conversation of trust research. Journal of Trust Research, 14 (2), 121-126. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2024.2399991
Colville, Shannon, Lockey, Steven, Gillespie, Nicole and Kelly, Sarah Jane (2024). Compliance with COVID-19 preventative health measures in the United Kingdom: a latent profile analysis. Health Promotion International, 39 (2) daae007, 1-11. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daae007
Rinta-Kahila, Tapani, Someh, Ida, Gillespie, Nicole, Indulska, Marta and Gregor, Shirley (2024). Managing unintended consequences of algorithmic decision-making: the case of Robodebt. Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 14 (1), 165-171. doi: 10.1177/20438869231165538
Hamm, Joseph A., van der Werff, Lisa, Osuna, Amanda Isabel, Blomqvist, Kirsimarja, Blount-Hill, Kwan-Lamar, Gillespie, Nicole, Syed, Ben and Tomlinson, Edward C. (2024). Capturing the conversation of trust research. Journal of Trust Research, 14 (1), 1-7. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2024.2331285
Bingley, William J., Haslam, S. Alexander, Steffens, Niklas K., Gillespie, Nicole, Worthy, Peter, Curtis, Caitlin, Lockey, Steven, Bialkowski, Alina, Ko, Ryan K.L. and Wiles, Janet (2023). Enlarging the model of the human at the heart of human-centered AI: a social self-determination model of AI system impact. New Ideas in Psychology, 70 101025, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.newideapsych.2023.101025
Gillespie, Nicole, Anesa, Mattia, Lizzio-Wilson, Morgana, Chapman, Cassandra, Healy, Karen and Hornsey, Matthew (2023). How do sector level factors influence trust violations in not-for-profit organizations? A multilevel model. Journal of Business Ethics, 191 (2), 1-26. doi: 10.1007/s10551-023-05429-6
Bueechl, Joerg, Pudelko, Markus and Gillespie, Nicole (2023). Do Chinese subordinates trust their German supervisors? A model of inter-cultural trust development. Journal of International Business Studies, 54 (5), 1-29. doi: 10.1057/s41267-023-00619-w
Richardson, Sarah, Kelly, Sarah Jane and Gillespie, Nicole (2023). How can nonprofit boards innovate for growth? An
review. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 34 (1), 35-58. doi: 10.1002/nml.21563
Bingley, William J., Curtis, Caitlin, Lockey, Steven, Bialkowski, Alina, Gillespie, Nicole, Haslam, S. Alexander, Ko, Ryan K.L., Steffens, Niklas, Wiles, Janet and Worthy, Peter (2023). Where is the human in human-centered AI? Insights from developer priorities and user experiences. Computers in Human Behavior, 141 107617, 1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2022.107617
Hona, Te Wai Pounamu T., Horsham, Caitlin, Silva, Carina V., Lawn, Craig, Sanjida, Saira, Gillespie, Nicole, Soyer, H. Peter, Janda, Monika and ACEMID group (2023). Consumer views of melanoma early detection using 3D total-body photography: cross-sectional survey. International Journal of Dermatology, 62 (4), 524-533. doi: 10.1111/ijd.16578
Anesa, Mattia, Spee, Andreas Paul, Gillespie, Nicole and Petani, Fabio James (2022). Reassessing moral legitimacy in times of instability. Journal of Management Studies, 61 (3), 857-887. doi: 10.1111/joms.12889
Chapman, Cassandra M., Hornsey, Matthew J., Gillespie, Nicole and Lockey, Steve (2022). Nonprofit scandals: A systematic review and conceptual framework. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52 (1_suppl), 089976402211295-312S. doi: 10.1177/08997640221129541
Curtis, Caitlin, Gillespie, Nicole and Lockey, Steven (2022). AI-deploying organizations are key to addressing ‘perfect storm’ of AI risks. AI and Ethics, 3 (1), 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s43681-022-00163-7
Lee, Katie J., Betz-Stablein, Brigid, Stark, Mitchell S., Janda, Monika, McInerney-Leo, Aideen M., Caffery, Liam J., Gillespie, Nicole, Yanes, Tatiane and Soyer, H. Peter (2022). The future of precision prevention for advanced melanoma. Frontiers in Medicine, 8 818096, 818096. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.818096
Chapman, Cassandra M., Hornsey, Matthew J., Mangan, Heidi, Gillespie, Nicole, La Macchia, Stephen and Lockey, Steven (2021). Comparing the effectiveness of post-scandal apologies from nonprofit and commercial organizations: an extension of the moral disillusionment model. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 51 (6), 089976402110626-1280. doi: 10.1177/08997640211062666
Rinta-Kahila, Tapani, Someh, Ida, Gillespie, Nicole, Indulska, Marta and Gregor, Shirley (2021). Algorithmic decision-making and system destructiveness: a case of automatic debt recovery. European Journal of Information Systems, 31 (3), 1-26. doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2021.1960905
Snoswell, Centaine L., Whitty, Jennifer A., Caffery, Liam J., Kho, Joanna, Horsham, Caitlin, Loescher, Lois J., Vagenas, Dimitrios, Gillespie, Nicole, Soyer, H. Peter and Janda, Monika (2021). Consumer preference and willingness to pay for direct-to-consumer mobile teledermoscopy services in Australia. Dermatology, 238 (2), 1-10. doi: 10.1159/000517257
Kähkönen, T., Blomqvist, K., Gillespie, N. and Vanhala, M. (2021). Employee trust repair: a systematic review of 20 years of empirical research and future research directions. Journal of Business Research, 130, 98-109. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.03.019
Campbell, Jessica, Theodoros, Deborah, Russell, Trevor, Hartley, Nicole and Gillespie, Nicole (2021). Role and process change and satisfaction with an educational and developmental psychologist telehealth service for rural children. The Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 38 (1), 143-157. doi: 10.1080/20590776.2021.1915097
Chapman, Cassandra M., Hornsey, Matthew J. and Gillespie, Nicole (2021). To what extent is trust a prerequisite for charitable giving? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50 (6) 08997640211003250, 089976402110032-1303. doi: 10.1177/08997640211003250
Campbell, Jessica, Theodoros, Deborah, Russell, Trevor, Hartley, Nicole and Gillespie, Nicole (2021). Speech-language pathologist practice changes in telehealth speech-language therapy for rural children. Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 23 (1), 2-9. doi: 10.1080/22087168.2021.12370304
Witt, G. B., Althor, G., Colvin, R. M., Witt, K. J., Gillespie, N., McCrea, R., Lacey, J. and Faulkner, T. (2021). How environmental values influence trust and beliefs about societal oversight and need for regulation of the Australian cattle industry. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (3) 034006, 1-8. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/abe1f7
Lockey, Steven, Edwards, Martin R., Hornsey, Matthew J., Gillespie, Nicole, Akhlaghpour, Saeed and Colville, Shannon (2021). Profiling Adopters (and Non-adopters) of a Contact Tracing Mobile Application: Insights from Australia. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 149 104414, 1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2021.104414
Chapman, Cassandra M., Hornsey, Matthew J. and Gillespie, Nicole (2020). No global crisis of trust: a longitudinal and multinational examination of public trust in nonprofits. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50 (2), 089976402096222-457. doi: 10.1177/0899764020962221
Kho, Joanna, Gillespie, Nicole and Martin-Khan, Melinda (2020). A systematic scoping review of change management practices used for telemedicine service implementations. BMC Health Services Research, 20 (1) 815, 815. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05657-w
de Jong, Bart, Gillespie, Nicole, Williamson, Ian and Gill, Carol (2020). Trust consensus within culturally diverse teams: a multistudy investigation. Journal of Management, 47 (8), 014920632094365-2168. doi: 10.1177/0149206320943658
Gillespie, Nicole, Searle, Rosalind, Gustafsson, Stefanie and Hope-Hailey, Veronica (2020). Preserving employee trust during crisis. Behavioral Science and Policy, 6 (COVID-19 special issue), 1-10.
Gustafsson, Stefanie, Gillespie, Nicole, Searle, Rosalind, Hope Hailey, Veronica and Dietz, Graham (2020). Preserving organizational trust during disruption. Organization Studies, 42 (9), 1409-1433. doi: 10.1177/0170840620912705
Hornsey, Matthew J., Chapman, Cassandra M., Mangan, Heidi, La Macchia, Stephen and Gillespie, Nicole (2020). The moral disillusionment model of organizational transgressions: ethical transgressions trigger more negative reactions from consumers when committed by nonprofits. Journal of Business Ethics, 172 (4), 653-671. doi: 10.1007/s10551-020-04492-7
Janda, Monika, Horsham, Caitlin, Vagenas, Dimitrios, Loescher, Lois J., Gillespie, Nicole, Koh, Uyen, Curiel-Lewandrowski, Clara, Hofmann-Wellenhof, Rainer, Halpern, Allan, Whiteman, David C., Whitty, Jennifer A., Smithers, B. Mark and Soyer, H. Peter (2020). Accuracy of mobile digital teledermoscopy for skin self-examinations in adults at high risk of skin cancer: an open-label, randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Digital Health, 2 (3), e129-e137. doi: 10.1016/S2589-7500(20)30001-7
Horsham, Caitlin, Snoswell, Centaine, Vagenas, Dimitrios, Loescher, Lois J., Gillespie, Nicole, Soyer, H. Peter and Janda, Monika (2020). Is teledermoscopy ready to replace face-to-face examinations for the early detection of skin cancer? Consumer views, technology acceptance, and satisfaction with care. Dermatology, 236 (2), 170-176. doi: 10.1159/000506154
Kho, Joanna, Gillespie, Nicole, Horsham, Caitlin, Snoswell, Centaine, Vagenas, Dimitrios, Soyer, H. Peter and Janda, Monika (2020). Skin doctor consultations using mobile teledermoscopy: Exploring virtual care business models. Telemedicine and e-Health, 26 (11) tmj.2019.0228, 1406-1413. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2019.0228
Gillespie, Nicole, Searle, Rosalind, Gustafsson, Stefanie and Hailey, Veronica Hope (2020). Preserving employee trust during crisis. Behavioral Science and Policy, 6 (2), 59-68. doi: 10.1353/BSP.2020.0016
Campbell, Jessica, Theodoros, Deborah, Russell, Trevor, Gillespie, Nicole and Hartley, Nicole (2019). Client, provider and community referrer perceptions of telehealth for the delivery of rural paediatric allied health services. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 27 (5) ajr.12519, 419-426. doi: 10.1111/ajr.12519
Campbell, Jessica, Theodoros, Deborah, Hartley, Nicole, Russell, Trevor and Gillespie, Nicole (2019). Implementation factors are neglected in research investigating telehealth delivery of allied health services to rural children: A scoping review. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 26 (10), 1357633X19856472-606. doi: 10.1177/1357633x19856472
Kho, Joanna, Spee, Andreas Paul and Gillespie, Nicole (2019). Enacting relational expertise to change professional routines in technology-mediated service settings. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 61, 191-213. doi: 10.1108/s0733-558x20190000061010
Janda, Monika, Horsham, Caitlin, Koh, Uyen, Gillespie, Nicole, Vagenas, Dimitrios, Loescher, Lois J., Curiel-Lewandrowski, Clara, Hofmann-Wellenhof, Rainer and Peter Soyer, H. (2019). Evaluating healthcare practitioners’ views on store-and-forward teledermoscopy services for the diagnosis of skin cancer. Digital Health, 5, 205520761982822. doi: 10.1177/2055207619828225
Anesa, Mattia, Gillespie, Nicole, Spee, A. Paul and Sadiq, Kerrie (2019). The legitimation of corporate tax minimization. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 75, 17-39. doi: 10.1016/j.aos.2018.10.004
Koh, Uyen, Horsham, Caitlin, Soyer, H. Peter, Loescher, Lois J., Gillespie, Nicole, Vagenas, Dimitrios and Janda, Monika (2019). Consumer acceptance and expectations of a mobile health application to photograph skin lesions for early detection of melanoma. Dermatology, 235 (1), 4-10. doi: 10.1159/000493728
Snoswell, Centaine L, Whitty, Jennifer A., Caffery, Liam J., Loescher, Lois J., Gillespie, Nicole and Janda, Monika (2018). Direct-to-consumer mobile teledermoscopy for skin cancer screening: Preliminary results demonstrating willingness-to-pay in Australia. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 24 (10), 683-689. doi: 10.1177/1357633X18799582
Janda, Monika, Horsham, Caitlin, Koh, Uyen, Gillespie, Nicole, Loescher, Lois J., Vagenas, Dimitrios and Soyer, H. Peter (2018). Redesigning skin cancer early detection and care using a new mobile health application: protocol of the SKIN research project, a randomised controlled trial. Dermatology, 235 (1), 11-18. doi: 10.1159/000493729
Gillespie, Nicole (2017). Trust dynamics and repair: an interview with Roy Lewicki. Journal of Trust Research, 7 (2), 204-219. doi: 10.1080/21515581.2017.1373022
Langbecker, D., Caffery, L. J., Gillespie, N. and Smith, A. C. (2017). Using survey methods in telehealth research: a practical guide. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 23 (9), 770-779. doi: 10.1177/1357633X17721814
Smith, Laura G. E., Gillespie, Nicole, Callan, Victor J., Fitzsimmons, Terrance W. and Paulsen, Neil (2017). Injunctive and descriptive logics during newcomer socialization: the impact on organizational identification, trustworthiness, and self-efficacy. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38 (4), 487-511. doi: 10.1002/job.2131
Green, Teegan, Hartley, Nicole and Gillespie, Nicole (2016). Service provider’s experiences of service separation: the case of telehealth. Journal of Service Research, 19 (4), 477-494. doi: 10.1177/1094670516666674
De Jong, Bart A., Dirks, Kurt T. and Gillespie, Nicole (2016). Trust and team performance: a meta-analysis of main effects, moderators, and covariates. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101 (8), 1134-1150. doi: 10.1037/apl0000110
Pignata, Silvia, Boyd, Carolyn, Gillespie, Nicole, Provis, Christopher and Winefield, Anthony H. (2016). Awareness of organizational stress-reduction interventions: the impact on employee well-being and attitudes. Stress and Health, 32 (3), 231-243. doi: 10.1002/smi.2597
Gillespie, Nicole, Bond, Carol, Downs, Victoria and Staggs, Jonathan (2016). Stakeholder trust in the Queensland CSG industry. APPEA Journal, 56, 239-245.
Weibel, Antoinette, Den Hartog, Deanne N, Gillespie, Nicole, Searle, Rosalind, Six, Frederique and Skinner, Denise (2016). How do controls impact employee trust in the employer?. Human Resource Management, 55 (3), 437-462. doi: 10.1002/hrm.21733
Minto, Kiara, Hornsey, Matthew J., Gillespie, Nicole, Healy, Karen and Jetten, Jolanda (2016). A social identity approach to understanding responses to child sexual abuse allegations. PLoS One, 11 (4) e0153205, e0153205. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0153205
Russell, T. G., Gillespie, N., Hartley, N., Theodoros, D., Hill, A. and Gray, L. C. (2015). Exploring the predictors of home telehealth uptake by elderly Australian healthcare consumers. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 21 (8), 485-489. doi: 10.1177/1357633X15606264
Bachmann, Reinhard, Gillespie, Nicole and Priem, Richard (2015). Repairing Trust in Organizations and Institutions: Toward a Conceptual Framework. Organization Studies, 36 (9), 1123-1142. doi: 10.1177/0170840615599334
Shazi, Rahmat, Gillespie, Nicole and Steen, John (2015). Trust as a predictor of innovation network ties in project teams. International Journal of Project Management, 33 (1), 81-91. doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2014.06.001
Gillespie, Nicole, Dietz, Graham and Lockey, Steve (2014). Organizational reintegration and trust repair after an integrity violation: a case study. Business Ethics Quarterly, 24 (3), 371-410. doi: 10.5840/beq2014437
Hurley, Robert F., Gillespie, Nicole, Ferrin, Donald L. and Dietz, Graham (2013). Designing trustworthy organizations. MIT Sloan Management Review, 54 (4), 75-82.
Dietz, Graham, Gillespie, Nicole and Dando,, Nicole (2012). Trusted companies gain reward. Ethical Corporation, 40-42.
Bachmann, Reinhard, Gillespie, Nicole and Kramer, Rod (2012). Trust in crisis: organizational and institutional trust, failures and repair. Organization Studies, 33 (2), 285-287. doi: 10.1177/0170840612438826
Bachmann, Reinhard, Gillespie, Nicole and Kramer, Rod (2012). 'Trust in crisis: organizational and institutional trust, failures and repair'. Organization Studies, 33 (1), 159-161. doi: 10.1177/0170840611433383
Dietz, Graham and Gillespie, Nicole (2011). Repairing internal trust: lessons from Severn Trent. Ethical Corporation
Searle, Rosalind, Den Hartog, Deanne N., Weibel, Antoinette, Gillespie, Nicole, Six, Frederique, Hatzakis, Tally and Skinner, Denise (2011). Trust in the employer: The role of high-involvement work practices and procedural justice in European organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (5), 1069-1092. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2011.556782
Searle, Rosalin, Den Hartog, Deanne N., Weibel, Antoinette, Gillespie, Nicole, Six, Frederique, Hatzakis, Tally and Skinner, Denise (2011). Erratum to Trust in the employer: The role of high-involvement work practices and procedural justice in European organizations (The International Journal of Human Resource Management, (2011), 22, 5(1069-1092), 10.1080/09585192.2011.556782). International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22 (8), 1069-1069. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2011.583135
Boyd, Carolyn M., Bakker, Arnold B., Pignata, Silvia, Winefield, Anthony H., Gillespie, Nicole and Stough, Con (2011). A longitudinal test of the job demands-resources model among Australian university academics. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 60 (1), 112-140. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2010.00429.x
Lee, Pauline, Gillespie, Nicole, Mann, Leon and Wearing, Alexander (2010). Leadership and trust: Their effect on knowledge sharing and team performance. Management Learning, 41 (4), 473-491. doi: 10.1177/1350507610362036
Bakker, Arnold, Boyd, Carolyn M., Dollard, Maureen, Gillespie, Nicole, Winefield, Anthony H. and Stough, Con (2010). The role of personality in the job demands-resources model: A study of Australian academic staff. Career Development International, 15 (7), 622-636. doi: 10.1108/13620431011094050
Gillespie, Nicole and Dietz, Graham (2009). Trust repair after an organization-level failure. Academy of Management Review, 34 (1), 127-145. doi: 10.5465/AMR.2009.35713319
Child, John, Dietz, Graham, Gillespie, Nicole, Li, Peter, Saunders, Mark N. K. and Skinner, Denise (2008). Management and Organization Review Special Issue on ʻBuilding, Maintaining and Repairing Trust across Culturesʼ. Management and Organization Review, 4 (3), 451-452. doi: 10.1017/S1740877600000899
Child, John, Dietz, Graham, Gillespie, Nicole, li, Peter, Saunders, Mark N. K. and Skinner, Denise (2008). Management and Organization Review Special Issue on ‘Building, Maintaining and Repairing Trust across Cultures’. Management and Organization Review, 4 (1), 153-154. doi: 10.1017/S1740877600000565
Child, John, Dietz, Graham, Gillespie, Nicole, li, Peter, Saunders, Mark N. K. and Skinner, Denise (2008). Management and Organization Review Special Issue on ʻBuilding, Maintaining and Repairing Trust across Culturesʼ. Management and Organization Review, 4 (2), 327-328. doi: 10.1017/S1740877600003867
Child, John, Dietz, Graham, Gillespie, Nicole, Li, Peter, Saunders, Mark N. K. and Skinner, Denise (2007). Management and Organization Review Special Issue: ʻBuilding, Maintaining and Repairing Trust across Culturesʼ. Management and Organization Review, 3 (3), 457-458. doi: 10.1017/S1740877600000413
Lewicki, R., Tomlinson, E. and Gillespie, N. (2006). Models of Interpersonal Trust Development: Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Evidence, and Future Directions.. Journal of Management, 32 (6), 991-1022. doi: 10.1177/0149206306294405
Gillespie, N. and Mann, L. (2004). Transformational leadership and shared values: The building blocks of trust. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19 (6), 588-607. doi: 10.1108/02683940410551507
Winefield, Anthony H., Gillespie, Nicole, Stough, Con, Dua, Jagdish, Hapuarachchi, John and Boyd, Carolyn (2003). Occupational stress in Australian university staff: Results from a national survey. International Journal of Stress Management, 10 (1), 51-63. doi: 10.1037/1072-5245.10.1.51
Gillespie, N. A., Walsh, M., Winefield, A. H., Dua, J. and Stough, C. (2001). Occupational stress in universities: Staff perceptions of the causes, consequences and moderators of stress. Work and Stress, 15 (1), 53-72. doi: 10.1080/02678370117944
Spence, Charles, Nicholls, Michael E. R., Gillespie, Nicole and Driver, Jon (1998). Cross-modal links in exogenous covert spatial orienting between touch, audition, and vision. A, 60 (4), 544-557.. Attention, Perception and Psychophysics, 60 (4), 544-557. doi: 10.3758/BF03206045
Geffen, Gina M., Wright, Margaret J., Green, Heather J., Gillespie, Nicole A., Smyth, David C., Evans, David M. and Geffen, Laurence B. (1997). Effects of memory load and distraction on performance and event-related slow potentials in a visuospatial working memory task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9 (6), 743-757. doi: 10.1162/jocn.1997.9.6.743
Conference Papers
Lockey, Steve, Gillespie, Nicole, Morrill, Jake and Pool, Javad (2024). Trust in Artificial Intelligence: A Critical Systematic Review. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2024, Chicago, IL United States, 9-13 August 2024. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2024.14990abstract
Gillespie, Nicole, Strizver, Sam, Gwak, Jeewon, Fulmer, C. Ashley, Korsgaard, M. Audrey, Ballinger, Gary A., Jeong, Sophia Soyoung, Conroy, Samantha A., Liu, Leigh Anne, Schafheitle, Simon Daniel, Hong, SungHyoun, Ployhart, Robert E, Schoorman, David, Sharma, Kinshuk, Lee, Kangsan and Roll, Stephen (2024). Highlighting the Hidden: Putting a Spotlight on Vulnerability Within Organizations. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), Chicago, IL United States, 9-13 August 2024. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2024.18344symposium
Harrer, Theresia, Gruban, Moritz, Gillespie, Nicole, Roulet, Thomas J., Suddaby, Roy R. and Zavyalova, Anastasiya (2024). “Institutions in Crisis!”: What it Means and How Social Evaluation Scholars Can Address It. 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2024), Chicago, IL United States, 9-13 August 2024. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2024.12380symposium
Pool, Javad, Smith, Natalie, Dodds, Hunter, Lockey, Steven, Curtis, Caitlin, Rinta-Kahila, Tapani and Gillespie, Nicole (2023). An AI-enabled community safety service: stakeholder benefits and vulnerabilities. Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Wellington, New Zealand, 5 - 8 December 2023. Atlanta, GA, United States: Association for Information Systems.
Mayer, Roger C., Jang, Dongil, Shah, Pri Pradhan, Jones, Stephen L., Siderits, Ian, Flynn, Patrick, Mulvey, Paul W, Lockey, Steve, Gillespie, Nicole, Pool, Javad, Curtis, Caitlin, Edwards, Martin, Belkin, Liuba, Tuskey, Sarah, Becker, William J., Korsgaard, M. Audrey, Strizver, Sam, Ployhart, Robert E and Williams, Michele (2023). From the complex present to the risk-laden future of trust: over the mountain and into the frying pan. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA United States, 4-8 August 2023. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/amproc.2023.18559symposium
Lockey, Steve, Gillespie, Nicole, Curtis, Caitlin, Bingley, William, Worthy, Peter, Haslam, Alexander, Steffens, Niklas, Bialkowski, Alina, Ko, Ryan and Wiles, Janet (2022). Necessary but not sufficient: assurance mechanisms for enhancing trust in AI-enabled job screening. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, WA United States, 5-9 August 2022. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2022.10638abstract
Lockey, Steven, Gillespie, Nicole, Holm, Daniel and Someh, Ida Asadi (2021). A review of trust in artificial intelligence: challenges, vulnerabilities and future directions. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , Honolulu, HI, United States, 4-8 January 2021. Honolulu, HI, United States: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. doi: 10.24251/hicss.2021.664
Kho, Joanna and Gillespie, Nicole (2020). Embedding routines: A study of the flying doctor and delivery of virtual care services. 36th European Group for Organizational Studies, Hamburg, Germany, 2-4 July 2020.
Kho, Joanna, Spee, A. Paul and Gillespie, Nicole (2019). Routine Disruption and Integration: Enacting Complementary Patterns of Augmentation and Adjustment through Coordination. 35th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 4-6 July 2019.
Kho, Joanna, Spee, A. Paul and Gillespie, Nicole (2019). Replicating Routines through ICTs: Enacting Complementary Patterns of Augmentation and Adjustment. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA United States, 9-13 August 2019. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2019.12779abstract
Snoswell, Centaine L., Whitty, Jennifer A., Caffery, Liam J., Loescher, Lois, Gillespie, Nicole, Vagenas, Dimitrios, Soyer, H. Peter and Janda, Monika (2018). Consumer preferences for skin cancer detection - probability of teledermoscopy service uptake and willingness-to-pay. Successes and Failures in Telehealth Conference 2018, Darwin, Australia, 22-24 October 2018.
Snoswell, Centaine L., Whitty, Jennifer A., Caffery, Liam J., Loescher, L., Gillespie, Nicole, Vagenas, D., Soyer, H. Peter and Janda, Monika (2018). Consumer willingness-to-pay and preference for skin cancer screening services in Australia. ISPOR Asia Pacific 2018, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 September 2018. NEW YORK: ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. doi: 10.1016/j.jval.2018.07.542
Janda, Monika, Horsham, Caitlin, Nguyen, Thi-My-Uyen , Loescher, Lois J., Gillespie, Nicole, Vagenas, Dimitrios and Soyer, Peter (2018). Do participants in an enhanced skin self-examination using digital dermoscopy study worry about melanoma?. 20th World Congress of Psycho‐Oncology, Hong Kong, 29 October ‐ 2 November 2018. Hoboken, NJ United States: Wiley.
Kho, Joanna, Gillespie, Nicole and Spee, A. Paul (2018). Enacting professional competence at a distance: A case of reconfiguration and transformation to deliver telegeriatric services. 34th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia, 5-7 July 2018.
Kho, Joanna, Spee, A. Paul and Gillespie, Nicole (2017). Recreating routines in virtual settings: A study of contextual change and adaptation. 33rd European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 6-8 July 2017.
Theodoros, Deborah, Hill, Anne, Hartley, Nicole, Martin-Khan, Melinda, Bird, Dominique, Russell, Trevor, Goodenough, Belinda and Gillespie, Nicole (2016). Innovation to implementation for telehealth (i2i4Telehealth). A practical guide for knowledge translation in telehealth. Successes and Failures in Telehealth - 7th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society, Auckland, New Zealand, 31 October - 3 November 2016.
Anesa, Mattia, Gillespie, Nicole, Spee, Paul and Sadiq, Kerrie (2016). Field-level legitimization of corporate tax minimization. 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA USA, August, 2016. Briarcliff Manor, NY USA: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2016.195
Anesa, Mattia, Sadiq, Kerrie, Gillespie, Nicole and Spee, Paul (2015). Is ‘corporate tax maximisation’ an unthinkable?. 27th Australasian Tax Teachers’ Association Conference, Adelaide, SA Australia, 19-21 January 2015.
Anesa, Mattia, Sadiq, Kerrie, Gillespie, Nicole and Spee, Paul (2015). Is ‘corporate tax maximisation’ an unthinkable?. 27th Australasian Tax Teachers’ Association Conference - Tax: ‘It’s time’ for change, Adelaide SA, Australia, 19-21 January 2015.
de Jong, Bart, Dirks, Kurt and Gillespie, Nicole (2015). Trust and team performance: a meta-analysis of main effects, contingencies, and qualifiers. Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting, Vancouver Canada, August 2015. Briarcliff Manor, NY United States: Academy of Management. doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2015.234
Kho, Joanna, Gillespie, Nicole, Martin-Khan, Melinda and Gray, Len (2014). The adoption of telemedicine in a residential aged care facility: A multi-stakeholder perspective. Successes and Failures in Telehealth: 5th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society, Adelaide, SA Australia, 17-18 November 2014.
Kho, Joanna, Gillespie, Nicole, Martin-Khan, Melinda and Gray, Len (2014). Telemedicine adoption in residential aged care facilities: A practice-based approach. 28th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, Sydney, NSW Australia, 3-5 December 2014.
Kho, Joanna, Martin-Khan, Melinda, Gillespie, Nicole and Gray, Len (2013). A systematic review of change management practices for telehealth services in healthcare organisations. Successes and Failures in Telehealth: 4th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Telehealth Society, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 11-12 November 2013.
Gillespie, N., Ferrin, D. and Merrington, S. (2012). Trust across contexts: examining unanswered questions and challenging conventional wisdom. 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 3-7 August 2012.
Dietz, G., Gillespie, N. and Ferrin, D. (2011). Trust breaches and repair in a political context. European Association for Work and Organisational Psychology Congress, Maastricht, Netherlands, 25-28 May 2011.
Gillespie, N., Hurley, R., Dietz, G. and Bachmann, R. (2011). Trust repair in the context of the Global Financial Crisis. European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), Gothenburg, Sweden, 7-9 July 2011. European Group of Organization Studies.
Merrington, Shannon, Gillespie, Nicole, Ferrin, Don and Dietz, Graham (2011). How do leaders repair trust? An examination of trust repair during the UK expenses scandal. 25th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 7-9 December 2011. Wellington, New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.
Ferrin, Don, Dietz, G., Gillespie, N. and Merrington, S. (2011). Exposed!: Insights on leader trust violation and repair from the UK Parliamentary Expenses Scandal. New Directions in Leadership Research Conference, Durham, USA, 4-5 June 2011.
Carty, M., Stough, C. and Gillespie, N. (1999). The psychological predictors of work accidents and driving convictions in the transport industry. Safety in Action, Melbourne, Australia, 25-28 February 1998. Mt. Eliza, Vic., Australia: IPSO Australia.
Research Reports
Gillespie, Nicole, Lockey, Steve, Curtis, Caitlin and Pool, Javad (2023). Trust in AI: Country insights on shifting public perceptions of AI: Country findings. Brisbane, Australia; New York, United States: The University of Queensland; KPMG Australia.
Gillespie, Nicole, Lockey, Steve, Curtis, Caitlin and Pool, Javad (2023). Trust in AI: 2023 Global study on the shifting public perceptions of AI: Global Executive Summary. New York, NY, United States; Brisbane, Australia: KPMG International; The University of Queensland.
Gillespie, Nicole, Lockey, Steven, Curtis, Caitlin, Pool, Javad and Ali Akbari (2023). Trust in Artificial Intelligence: A global study. Brisbane, Australia; New York, United States: The University of Queensland; KPMG Australia. doi: 10.14264/00d3c94
White, Candice, Gillespie, Nicole and Holm, Daniel (2021). Trade facilitation reform as a trust catalyst: a case study in building and measuring trust between the public and private sectors in Columbia. Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation Lessons Learned Series Geneva, Switzerland: Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation Lessons Learned Series.
Gillespie, Nicole, Lockey, Steve and Curtis, Caitlin (2021). Trust in artificial Intelligence: a five country study. Brisbane, Australia; New York, United States: The University of Queensland; KPMG. doi: 10.14264/e34bfa3
Bhardwaj, Rahul, Gillespie, Nicole, MacLellan, Bruce, McEvily, Bill and McGinn, Kathleen (2021). Trust matters toolkit: a discussion guide for governing trust. Toronto, ON, Canada: The Institute of Corporate Directors.
Curtis, Caitlin, Gillespie, Nicole and Lockey, Steve (2020). Submission to the Review of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Australia: The University of Queensland & Australian Government: Attorney-General's Department. doi: 10.14264/501b50f
Gillespie, Nicole, Curtis, Caitlin, Bianchi, Rossana, Akbari, Ali and Fentener van Vlissingen, Rita (2020). Achieving Trustworthy AI: A Model for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. Australia: The University of Queensland and KPMG. doi: 10.14264/ca0819d
Lockey, Steve, Gillespie, Nicole and Curtis, Caitlin (2020). Trust in Artificial Intelligence: Australian Insights . Australia: The University of Queensland and KPMG. doi: 10.14264/b32f129
Rinta-Kahila, Tapani, Someh, Ida, Gillespie, Nicole, Indulska, Marta, Gregor, Shirley , Van Leent, Ryan and Ryan, Ian (2020). Delivering AI programs in the public sector: guidelines for government leaders. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland and SAP SE.
Witt, Bradd, Sauvage, Claire, Witt, Katherine, Gillespie, Nicole and Ariyawardana, Anoma (2020). Evaluating the impact and effectiveness of the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework. North Sydney, NSW, Australia: Meat and Livestock Australia .
Snoswell, Centaine L., Gray, Len, Brooks, Peter, Tracy, Comans, Caffery, Liam J., Fatehi, Farhad, Hobson, Georgina, Bird, Dominique, Theodoros, Deborah, Smith, Anthony C., Russell, Trevor, Soyer, H. Peter, Whitty, Jennifer, Gillespie, Nicole and Hayman, Noel (2019). Developing a policy strategy for telehealth in Australia: a summary of the telehealth FUTURES forum. Online (Centre for Online Health): NHRMC Centre for Research Excellence in Telehealth, The University of Queensland.
Gillespie, Nicole and van Vlissengen, Rita Fentener (2019). Trustworthy by design. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Gillespie, Nicole and Owen, Gareth (2013). Restoring trust in the financial services sector. London, United Kingdom: Industry and Parliament Trust.
Winefield, Anthony H., Gillespie, Nicole, Stough, Con, Dua, Jagdish and Hapuararchchi, John (2002). Occupational stress in Australian universities: A national survey 2002. South Melbourne, Vic., Australia: National Tertiary Education Union.
Newspaper Articles
Gillespie, Nicole, Curtis, Caitlin, Pool, Javad and Lockey, Steven (2023, 02 23). A survey of over 17,000 people indicates only half of us are willing to trust AI at work The Conversation
Curtis, Caitlin, Gillespie, Nicole and Lockey, Steven (2020, 10 29). Australians have low trust in artificial intelligence and want it to be better regulated The Conversation