Professor Peter Knights

Researcher biography
Prof Peter Knights' research interests are in: engineering asset management, mine maintenace and systems engineering applied to mine safety and mine planning.
Professor Knights is Discipline Lead for Mining within the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering..
From 2006-2015 he held the BMA Chair in Mining Enginereing with the University of Queensland. From 1996 to 2004 he was employed as an Assistant Professor with the Faculty of Engineering of the Catholic University of Chile, based in Santiago, Chile. He was subsequently named as Associate Professor and Canadian Chair in Mining. Peter holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering for the University of Melbourne, Australia, a Masters degree in Systems Engineering from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Mining Engineering from McGill University, Canada.
His recent work has focussed on incorporating ESG concerns into early stage mine planning and electrification systems for decarbonising mine haulage. He has a number of publications in prestigious international journals such as the Journal for Quality in Maintenance Engineering and the Journal of Reliability Engineering and System Safety.
Capability areas
- Asset management and mine maintenance
- Incorporating ESG into eary styage mine design
- Systems safety.
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